Zimbabwean woman who didn't know she was carrying triplets dies after home delivery went wrong

A 34-year-old Zimbabwean woman, Maria Chigwadara died after a home delivery of  triplets went wrong. The babies, all girls, are still admitted at Gweru Provincial Hospital, after their birth and the death of their mother last month.
The triplets' father,  Mr Aleck Ncube Muza, a 68-year-old unemployed villager from Musadzi Village in Gokwe-Nembudziya said he has no means look after them and five other children.

The couple, who were members of an apostolic sect did not know that she was carrying triplets as she never went to hospital for antenatal care until she gave birth to one of the girls, only to be rushed to hospital due to complications, but it was too late to save her life.

Ms Chigwadara died on the night of June 8 and medical experts yesterday said her death could have been avoided if she had gone through antenatal care.
Mr Muza on Monday, sent a plea for help to Zimbabweans to assist him with food and clothes for the triplets.

The babies, he said, were still admitted to Gweru Provincial Hospital’s special baby’s ward a month after their birth because he has no means to look after them.

He told the Chronicle that there were complications at birth and his wife had to endure a five-hour drive from Gokwe’s Mutora District Hospital to Gweru Provincial Hospital where she died upon admission due to severe loss of blood.

“On June 7 my wife gave birth to one of the babies and we realised that she had more babies and was bleeding profusely before we took her to hospital. She then gave birth to two more children through an operation after which they said she needed to be transferred to Gweru because the bleeding was continuing,” he said.

“On June 8 she then endured a five-hour drive from Mutora District Hospital to Gweru Provincial Hospital where she died on admission. They said she lost a lot of blood.”

Asked who had assisted with the botched-up home delivery, Mr Muza could not answer.
Mr Muza said he is grateful for the three children, but appealed for donations in cash or kind to look after them. He said he has no fixed income and had five other children, some of school going age, he also needed to take care of.

“I’m appealing for assistance to take care of the babies after I lost my wife during child birth. The blessing of the three bouncing baby girls has turned the joy of my family into despair. I am appealing for food, clothes, napkins and money. The triplets are at Gweru Provincial Hospital as we speak and I don’t know how or where to take them if they are discharged,” said Mr Muza.

Gweru Provincial Hospital superintendent Dr Fabian Mashingaidze said Ms Chigwadara’s life could have been saved if health care givers had been aware that she was carrying triplets.

“All I know is that she was a referral case and unfortunately passed on before we could assist her. She is said to have lost a lot of blood. Investigations are still ongoing,” said Dr Mashingaidze.

Government specialist consultant and gynaecologist Dr Veldah Mushangwe said the death of Mrs Chigwadara was due to low platelets and severe bleeding experienced during delivery.

She said no one should lose life while giving birth.
“Such cases should be avoided and I urge expecting mothers to register their pregnancies in time so that complications are dealt with accordingly. We are saying no to maternal deaths and expecting women should register early and go for antenatal care. Women should seek antenatal care early so that complications are identified and interventions made at the correct time,” said Dr Mushangwe.

“Maternal mortality has been recognised as a public health problem in most developing countries and is linked to women failing to access health care during pregnancy and the complications they face while giving birth.”.he added.

credit: The Chronicle


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